Some reflections on some large changes

This is one of my Andy B’s posts on his reflections of the past 5 weeks and some of the big changes that he and the family have seen.

What a 5 weeks we’ve had! Pure 24/7 Radio turned 4 weeks old this time last week and we’ve seen huge changes to our family life – all good stuff, but it hit me last night that I’m no longer simply reactive to caring for my family, because, I’m no longer a full-time stay-at-home dad. […]

Some reflections on some large changes

2 Replies to “Some reflections on some large changes”

  1. What an achievement. It’s such an inspiration to see what God is doing in your lives. Change…the thing that we can secretly fear but without it we would just stagnate. You are giving out so much and it’s a beautiful thing. My pastor says we are called to be rivers not reservoirs. May you continue to flow…

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